Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just Kidding... *Updated*

(Update) Sooooo I totally forgot about the sour cream...  I was exhausted last night.  Sorry.  So the sour cream was supposed to be added while you're adding the seasonings & the sauce.  I opened our sour cream & was very livid to find out that it was frozen... Dumb fridge.  So I was adventurous & used green onion chip dip instead.  Cool, huh?  It worked pretty well.  K, I'ma sleep for another five days now.  Farewell. 

I told you that coming up next was Grilled Chicken Raspberry Salad or something like that...  This is not that.  'Tis something else.  I lied...  Love me.

I decided to make this weird kind of spaghetti/lasagna/I'm not really sure instead, but I'm still gonna make the salad sometime this week.

(Bow-tie pasta would be better with this recipe... But I didn't have any, so I just used some linguine)

Start off boiling le water for the pasta & while that's going, brown your ground beef.
I did alot of these pics out of order & even missed taking a pic of some of the steps.
That's cuz I'ma spaz, especially today.

After the pasta & ground beef are done, combine them and drizzle some olive oil on it.
Use your discretion here... I just poured until I thought it was enough.

Next add the sauce mix... This is just a jar of random sauce that was in our pantry.  You can use whatever works for you.

& now add some garlic powder...

... & some Italian seasoning.

Then throw a bunch of cheese on it.  This is called a pizza mix, but once again, use whatever ya want.

Voila!  Plain & simple & easy... Tastes pretty good too. ;)

I'm gonna go sleep for five days now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, this looks fannnnn-tastic! So hearty and I love the way the sauce sticks to the pasta. Mine never sticks!
