Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just Kidding... *Updated*

(Update) Sooooo I totally forgot about the sour cream...  I was exhausted last night.  Sorry.  So the sour cream was supposed to be added while you're adding the seasonings & the sauce.  I opened our sour cream & was very livid to find out that it was frozen... Dumb fridge.  So I was adventurous & used green onion chip dip instead.  Cool, huh?  It worked pretty well.  K, I'ma sleep for another five days now.  Farewell. 

I told you that coming up next was Grilled Chicken Raspberry Salad or something like that...  This is not that.  'Tis something else.  I lied...  Love me.

I decided to make this weird kind of spaghetti/lasagna/I'm not really sure instead, but I'm still gonna make the salad sometime this week.

(Bow-tie pasta would be better with this recipe... But I didn't have any, so I just used some linguine)

Start off boiling le water for the pasta & while that's going, brown your ground beef.
I did alot of these pics out of order & even missed taking a pic of some of the steps.
That's cuz I'ma spaz, especially today.

After the pasta & ground beef are done, combine them and drizzle some olive oil on it.
Use your discretion here... I just poured until I thought it was enough.

Next add the sauce mix... This is just a jar of random sauce that was in our pantry.  You can use whatever works for you.

& now add some garlic powder...

... & some Italian seasoning.

Then throw a bunch of cheese on it.  This is called a pizza mix, but once again, use whatever ya want.

Voila!  Plain & simple & easy... Tastes pretty good too. ;)

I'm gonna go sleep for five days now.


These are me puppies... I think they are cute. :) Don't you?... *uh hem* Say yes!

This is Molly... Her facial expressions are funny.  
I bet you didn't know dogs have facial expressions, huh?  You're welcome. 

See?  Nice faces.  

And these are le black & white babies.  They were not posing very well... & there was alot of fluff in their faces.  I tried to fix it............ But then I was too lazy.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Past Recipes...

The Pioneer Woman got me started with cooking.  It's all her fault.  So naturally there are quite a few of her recipes that I've made but haven't documented (Documented meaning taken pictures of and posted on this blog, which is, duh, impossible since I just "created" it like a couple days or more ago).  Anywho, I'ma post a bunch of links that you can click on and see past recipes that I've made... & then you can comment and say "Hey Andi.  Nice-ish blog.  Can you make {insert text} for me?  Cuz I'm not sure I can make it, and I know that if you can, a demented frog can make it"... (I have nothing against frogs by the way).
So yeah.  See how considerate I am?  I inspire myself... *uh hem*

Here are le links!

And those are of course just Pioneer Woman inspired... I have many more.  Cuz I'm just epic like that. 

An afternoon walk.

Well, Nothing Fancy with Andi was "under construction" because at the time I didn't have a camera... But now I do!  Joy!  So I went on an afternoon walk today with my camera, a huge smile on my face and not even caring about the INTENSE heat and the sweat dripping down my back... But that was prolly TMI, right?  Yeah.

Well.  I lied... I didn't actually take these two pics, a friend did.  But I wanted to share them :)
(I EDITED THEM THO!!!!  Sorry.  I had to have some credit there.  Bye now).

Um.  These are... my feet... Pretty nice transition from that awesome sunset, huh?  

And this is one of my horseys, Jake... GUHHH!  He's sooo cute! :)
(Beware: many pictures of him are following.  Don't get bored & leave.  Please.  PUH-lease!!  Just bare with me... Did I spell "bare" right?)

Aw.  He sweepy... Excuse me while I go squeeze his head off cuz I love him... Love hurts.  The end.

He's like "Mommy... why you takin' a picture of mah butt?" 
Yup.  That's what he said.


Ok.  Last picture of him.  I promise ;)

And this is Mitch... He's also adorable.  And has a pinkish tongue.  Nice.

Molly & Mitch back from their adventures.

This is also my animal.  His name is Oliver.  He is old & FLIPPIN adorable! =) I've had him since I was seven!  He makes me happy. 

Pretty flowers. 

Water!... Water's fun to take pics of.  Ya know?

Self explanatory. 

......This is me............  Obviously I have no shame........ I scare myself. 


Until next time :)

Tuna Salad - Yay first post!

Whoop!  Finally my first post!... So.  I thought for my first lil post, I'd start out with one of my own recipes.  I mean, why not?  This recipe was inspired by The Pioneer Woman, but due to a lack of her ingredients in my house, I substituted random findings & created what's become pretty popular. :) *Happiness*

Let us begin!

Le cast of characters.
(Please ignore the rather odd looking red onion. K, thanx.)

Chop & batter & kill a red onion.

Then do the same with a red bell pepper.

Also, a green bell pepper...  Yes, yes. It does have some smatterings of red bell pepper in it.  Apologies.
(I used only half of the green pepper since there was so much red-ness).

Pause right now to eat a couple of olives... & then a couple more.  Why you ask?  Becuz.  I say so. 

Chop 'em all up.

Now add some pickles & dice 'em.  These are Kosher Dill Stackers or something like that, and I think I used a total of five or six.  Maybe more.  Pickles = yum.

Meanwhile on the cutting board, awesome-ness is going on.  CUZ GREEN OLIVES ROCK!

Chop & add lots of these...  They totally make this salad.  I mean, the flavor!  THE FLAVOR! 

Now add le tuna.  This is two cans cuz you need alot of meat with this much other schtuff.  I used eight small cans before!! AH HA!  But maybe eight little cans is the equivalent of two big cans...  Hmm.  I don't really know.  Math & I do NOT equal love...  Nope. 

Now plop in about 3 1/2 large tablespoons of Mayo.  Make sure it's Mayo, not Miracle Whip.  There IS a difference.  Trust me...  & you may need to add some more; this recipe is def. taste and go.  Ya know what I'm saying?  I hope so, cuz I'm not sure if I do.

Stir together & voila!  OH YEAH! 



Make a sandwich, serve it on an english muffin or do whatever floats yer boat... I for one like it just like this.  Plain & simple. ;)

COMING UP NEXT:  Grilled Chicken Raspberry Salad.